Last Man Standing
Status: Finished
Event location: LMS Map - Realm 12



Kill everyone else and be last one on the battlefield!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Divine
Top 1
Blood of Reborn x5
PvP Token x100

Participation reward

Green Jade x5000
PS needed: 1
Event Token x40
PS needed: 1
Overdynamic Casket VI x10
PS needed: 1
Singularity Coherence VI x10
PS needed: 1
Grand Thaumaturgy VI x10
PS needed: 1
Heaven Charm x5
PS needed: 1
Ultimate Talisman Gem - Armor x1
PS needed: 1
Moon Talisman x500
PS needed: 1
Platina Sigil x2
PS needed: 1

1. ζshxne291
2. 逐鹿天下221
3. 格里芬丶ChuB'z200
4. l151
5. Gwendolyn121
6. nongpoy101
7. Ssin丶罪81
8. そChillex71
9. Moccia71
10. Flowless71
11. Morkoffka71
12. Ashuria61
13. Better澜61
14. 瑞安Gosling51
15. Putamona51
16. ┈┾べ城51
17. 断潮51
18. AlWesker31
19. Oriony31
20. Kingsbane21
21. ChupaXXL21
22. Tosti21
23. ツiNeed2P21
24. Obii21
25. АОС21
26. ムッKull21
27. DOPE10
28. Kingsley10
29. MCNinja10
30. Pchelavod蜂10
31. Bandido11
32. ZмеючKа11
33. DevilI3OY11
34. Praised11
35. 艾Notorious01
36. Frankie01
37. ζTatsuo01
38. ranger01
39. BigBoi01
40. デミナル01
41. BuckZ01
42. YaoMin01
43. Zootiez01
44. Ageless01
45. lia01
46. Antihypе01
47. Heroness01
48. NoMercy01
49. Schadovs/01
50. Schadov/01
51. DragonGirl01
52. Crippledツ01
53. Schadovs01
54. Scroller01
55. Si01
56. Deceitful01
57. Pve4Life#01
58. HydraBlade01
59. BadBoy01
60. cheyma01
61. Cero01
62. TTuPoЖoK01
63. Yoh01
64. Miblle`01
65. Мiblе`01
66. styx01
67. JadeWind01
68. Kaioken01
69. Chizuru01
70. Zhaoming01
71. Sewarnaa01
72. HeRo01
73. Alisee01
74. Astar01
75. Sanjena01
76. Kieko01
77. Semmy`Jo01
78. Юии01
79. Jamie`Lee01
80. ThirstTrap01
81. Tsuya01
82. Dicey01
83. Vice01
84. 家族Risvis`01
85. Zimka01
86. 01
87. 啵啵啵01
88. Tamaev01
89. GachiMommy01
90. Shakuhachi01
91. mizumi01
92. Reyko01
93. Kishi01
94. Macacao01
95. RedBull01
96. barzul01
97. Shesha01
98. GaladrieI01
99. 武士01
100. Holes01
101. JL01
102. Nadezhda01
103. 01
104. のeaR01
105. Υυηα01
106. Ama01
107. Karabani01
108. ☆Ava01
109. Santino01
110. ZvеR01
111. ㄖ卩ㄖ尺ツ01
112. Toroshi01
113. ★Disaster★01
114. Naina01
115. Deja`Vu01
116. Lavis01
117. √∞01
118. Miliano01
119. Sex01
120. Narcheska01
121. ζGaladriel01
122. vrael01
123. Rogue`日照01
124. Tоxic01
125. 灵魂丶Amee01
126. Katon01
127. SoEasy01
128. VoIdemort01
129. 烟花易泪01
130. FaceOfWind01
131. 梦随心飞01
132. 执笔画山河01
133. τι界王轩ν01
134. Slyvana01
135. Sediena01
136. Zaboza01
137. Browny01
138. Yoruichi_01
139. IchiGo_K01
140. ξ01
141. Kakinha01
142. _Kakinha_01
143. Koppa01
145. Lacolocost01
146. Jojo1801
147. Flaviuss01
148. HawKEye~01
149. Leloncio01
150. Pettite01
151. ι咩咩01
152. Yuаn01
153. ζ丶女武神01
154. Kuina01
155. Joana01
156. Dёrn01
157. Еncrypted01
158. Buuuf01
159. Barolt01
160. VendoDroga01
161. Purplis01
162. Epiphаny01
163. Himothy01
164. アaranoia'01
166. Сорняк01
167. ヤㄆ01
168. Kikita01
169. Shad01
170. calvo01
171. Waierin01
172. Yoonmi01
173. Explorer01
174. PaPrika01
175. Shinu01
176. NIEYU01
177. Khaleesi`01
178. Lilghost01
179. Queiroz01
180. ΩАЛМАЗΩ01
181. Rubee01
183. ィBUNNY01
184. toad01
185. Inouee01
186. Kamelot01
187. Skywalker01
188. Ygritte01
189. Karakasa01
190. メEptuma01
191. GachiKid01
192. ヅChae01
193. Lacentrate01
194. 下雨天01
195. 01
196. ι清清01
197. 丶九黎01
198. JohnCena01
199. 破个防打个架01
200. 神秘奇男子01