Skysong FFA #1 (EU Time)
Status: Finished
Event location: Skysong - Realm 11



Kill all players in sight. Do not team with others!

Time to do some PvP!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Common
Top 1
Sunny Jade x330
Top 2
Sunny Jade x220
Top 3
Sunny Jade x110

Participation reward

Silver Sigil x1
PS needed: 0
Chroma Bead x9375
PS needed: 0
Puppet Protector x20
PS needed: 1
Affinity Bead x6250
PS needed: 3

1. Burnd17129
2. Pixy5345
3. Zeyon5131
4. HoH5141
5. WildFlux3230
6. JP3038
7. JePey1728
8. Scruffed1519
9. Kyungri1422
10. Lumi1210
11. Praedyth710
12. Lite717
13. Fugitive59
14. WaspMan40
15. Abzaroth46
16. Navaya37
17. RaizeN317
18. Elohim25
19. Kachi212
20. Vitto213
21. Kisame14
22. Xian18
23. Gannicus123
24. Shaykya01
25. Intense01
26. Yikes01
27. Blaze01
28. TanisKa01
29. Sahara01
30. Vynestra01
31. NightRun01
32. Muri02
33. Azamie02
34. Braulik03
35. Powder03
36. JhonWick04
37. Thalink04
38. lVlurd06
39. nordea010
40. Esdeath010
41. SirProne012