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Jade Dynasty Reborn

Welcome to Jade Dynasty Reborn! Our mid-rate server will provide the same entertainment that you felt long ago with your friends...

Patch v518 (今天 13:29)
Skill Fixes

- [Zephyr] Fixed Flying Pace no-cooldown exploit.
- [Ashura] Predestination effects should now ignore raja properly if applied before raja was used.
- [Zephyr] Added extra/logic protection for Phoenix Flight against Ashura's Predestination effects.
- [Yuna] True Harmony: fixed that it reduced white dmg from player targets as well.
- Fixed Ink Snow skill range issue.

Bug Fixes

- Attempt to fix Clouded Elysium/Sunstream team pk settings once again.
* When 'Team protection' is ticked - pvp for whole team is disabled. Can not attack any players both from same team and any others.
* When 'Team Protection' is unticked pvp is enabled. Can attack players that are NOT in our team.
- Fixed team join crash issue.
- Fixed unable to log game after leaving game while in Clouded Elysium and chosing realm other than 10.
- Fixed 'Progress' system Clan Tribute trigger.
- Fixed 'Progress' system craft collection trigger.


- New drop evet now available.