Status: Finished
Event location: Asc. Battlegrounds - Realm Any



Join Ascended Battlegrounds on regular server (no Elysium) and fight in teams!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Unique

Participation reward

PvP Token x1
PS needed: 1
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 2
Event Token x3
PS needed: 2
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x2
PS needed: 4
PvP Token x3
PS needed: 5
PvP Token x5
PS needed: 8
PvP Token x7
PS needed: 12

1. Jojo1898
2. Flaviuss98
3. Leloncio98
4. Joana99
5. Junin89
6. Pettite79
7. ΞChernobyl50
8. Somers33
9. SeaTMM33
10. ι丶宝宝ν10
11. ι宝宝ν10
12. 程咬金6301
13. 陈咬金六401
14. Molly05