Kunlun FFA
Status: Finished
Event location: Kunlun - Realm 11



Kill all players in sight. Do not team with others!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Legendary
Top 1
Wonderland Stone x680
Top 2
Wonderland Stone x510
Top 3
Wonderland Stone x340

Participation reward

PvP Token x1
PS needed: 1
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 2
Event Token x6
PS needed: 2
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 4
PvP Token x2
PS needed: 5
PvP Token x4
PS needed: 7
PvP Token x6
PS needed: 9
PvP Token x8
PS needed: 15

1. Mystique13231
2. Eldridge9336
3. Ketone`7135
4. Souljazz6416
5. Ersin4213
6. Sinister369
7. Cannyn320
8. Kunihiko3113
9. sibz3124
10. eRPeGiee3022
11. MALEK2763
12. BurnD233
13. Khamimat223
14. yolo2013
15. Shaw190
16. Baen1821
17. xenos171
18. Van!165
19. finesse1610
20. CHAOS132
21. Teri133
22. Sordano133
23. Jap1318
24. CzarnyA128
25. Nuramon129
26. Dismoral129
27. Zey129
28. Lianmei119
29. JP105
30. BIade91
31. Reira91
32. AngeI92
33. Sciera912
34. TD4L!80
35. XxTOKIxX80
36. Weichei81
37. MoonRayy82
38. Schadov89
39. Kingsley74
40. Ryuu76
41. Jyanome77
42. Owne710
43. Marshal63
44. Celia64
45. Yoojii66
46. Hands67
47. Sandokan68
48. Revolute51
49. BRI51
50. Gyci52
51. Naksun55
52. Ashley41
53. FataMora45
54. REEEEEE418
55. fortnite32
56. Katevil33
57. Xerzes33
58. Ashet315
59. Arcanine24
60. Kubwa28
61. RoCyBeR212
62. Hivaa214
63. Cilai113
64. Hades01
65. Nazgul02
66. CyBeR06
67. Karenina09
68. Minerve010
69. Elbereth010
70. Sokar010
71. Beelze010
72. AIbedo010
73. Cath012
74. Tomby012
75. Raz012
76. Buffy012
77. Lixi013
78. Keiju013
79. Poxy013
80. Makato013
81. Sylphid016
82. KingLeo017
83. Lampe017
84. RNG_Mlxg025
85. RNG_Ming027
86. Bandi065
87. Hanme065
88. Lilian065