Last Man Standing
Status: Finished
Event location: LMS Map - Realm 12



Kill everyone else and be last one on the battlefield!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Divine
Top 1
Blood of Reborn x5
PvP Token x100

Participation reward

Green Jade x5000
PS needed: 1
Event Token x40
PS needed: 1
Overdynamic Casket VI x10
PS needed: 1
Singularity Coherence VI x10
PS needed: 1
Grand Thaumaturgy VI x10
PS needed: 1
Heaven Charm x5
PS needed: 1
Ultimate Talisman Gem - Armor x1
PS needed: 1
Moon Talisman x500
PS needed: 1
Platina Sigil x2
PS needed: 1

1. ン猫头鹰丶281
2. Himeringo161
3. Mikael161
4. Yoonmi141
5. Evodia111
6. ViruS70
7. `Kiara71
8. XXIV71
9. Glacier51
10. Eren41
11. Thighs31
12. softness31
13. 31
14. ALFONS31
15. Aquaman21
16. DOPE21
17. Doмiиo21
18. Gabela21
19. JuStWhO221
20. FaceOfWind21
21. Dёrn21
22. mihru11
23. シStrike11
24. CLouDs11
25. `Gavin11
26. Rammstein11
27. 大能猫11
28. Apocalypse01
29. Boda01
30. sad01
31. Soup01
32. YaoMin01
33. FabuIous01
34. Van!01
35. Poo01
36. Sharea01
37. InsoIent01
38. MatChu01
39. Kingsley01
40. Aurelie01
41. Celia01
42. ン放冷箭01
43. SunRen01
44. _Schadov01
45. Schadov/01
46. Nyrie01
47. Schadovs01
48. Shotta01
49. Vabim01
50. Cero01
51. 夜urei01
52. TacHa01
53. FORTA01
54. Yoh01
55. κ01
56. styx01
57. Kaioken01
58. Chizuru01
59. DreDD01
60. Еvееdwel01
61. Catie01
62. Amorа01
63. 01
64. ζ"Baiι01
65. Chiara01
66. Pee01
67. Pajeroι01
68. Sewarnaa01
69. ン死不势01
70. 莫愁01
71. Seiram01
72. Sanjena01
73. Pixi01
74. Simpely01
75. ZelZin01
76. xXHOKAGEXx01
77. Zimka01
78. Tamaev01
79. Kurogane01
80. mirai01
81. Miyu01
82. mizumi01
83. Alvearツ01
84. Reyko01
85. Curley01
86. JerIin01
87. SakunaChan01
88. barzul01
89. HoaVuong01
90. RdWork01
91. Sleeper01
92. Chopper01
93. Xpress001
94. 01
95. PoppinS01
96. Nanacute``01
97. Kinda01
98. IceFire01
99. MuryokuP01
100. Ryder01
101. IgNiSViPeR01
102. Leti01
103. ZvеR01
104. SillyBee01
105. Laina01
106. Caitriona01
107. Toxicc01
108. Dsk01
109. Magnolia01
110. Arcturus01
111. Silencer01
112. DAVIES01
113. Oswalt01
114. Willem01
115. D'Art01
116. Ovda01
117. ┈┾べ暮01
118. Lavis01
119. MoonGayyy01
120. Zeros01
121. 丶Cora01
122. Over900001
123. 我混你carry01
124. Dorky01
125. vrael01
126. Cheeser01
127. 6901
128. Katon01
129. ツArdies01
130. Aimi01
131. Yanni01
132. be01
133. bebe01
134. bebebe01
135. Tenchu01
136. βεηδσυεΓ01
137. Hail01
138. 蔡徐坤ν01
139. Vahinko01
140. Serkan01
141. Ubert01
142. Miа01
143. Insolent01
144. BIGsmall01
145. Tod01
146. Zeow01
147. Silinia01
148. N0Fear01