Status: Finished
Event location: Asc. Battlegrounds - Realm Any



Join Ascended Battlegrounds on regular server (no Elysium) and fight in teams!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Unique

Participation reward

PvP Token x1
PS needed: 1
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 2
Event Token x3
PS needed: 2
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x2
PS needed: 4
PvP Token x3
PS needed: 5
PvP Token x5
PS needed: 8
PvP Token x7
PS needed: 12

1. RNG_Mlxg120
2. Nora1114
3. Puta100
4. RNG_Ming80
5. FireBoy80
6. Mystique83
7. Gannicus84
8. CyBeR85
9. Materass71
10. Kingsley60
11. Culo60
12. Glassyo63
13. Fluppy50
14. yolo51
15. RoCyBeR52
16. Souljazz53
17. finesse54
18. SkyriiN55
19. Kyoshiro57
20. Yoojii41
21. lolita41
22. _SIERRA_43
23. Ketone`43
24. Soso44
25. HercuIes45
26. 500ms30
27. xenos30
28. Revolute30
29. Behemoth30
30. Kay31
31. NexO31
32. TeRebon'31
33. Nazgul31
34. Dark!32
35. Makato32
36. Gyci32
37. Shaw32
38. Elvie32
39. Xerzes32
40. Minerve32
41. Zey33
42. BRI33
43. Hands33
44. Owne33
45. Sciera33
47. Celia38
48. Leet!38
49. LEET39
50. Ashley20
51. TD4L!20
52. Ruffy20
53. ~Moana~20
54. Eldridge20
55. STFU20
56. Buddha21
57. Beelze21
58. Hyakki21
59. Jap21
60. Andra21
61. Dismoral21
62. Hanna21
63. JP22
64. Yunaru22
65. XxTOKIxX22
66. Lampe22
67. Lixi22
68. eRPeGiee22
69. Raz22
70. Cath22
71. Yuchou22
72. sibz22
73. Baen22
74. Stronger22
75. Kunihiko23
76. Katevil23
77. Tomby23
78. Keiju23
79. Buffy23
80. GS_JAS23
81. Freddy23
82. Appa23
83. Cannyn24
84. Sokar24
85. AIbedo25
86. Naksun26
87. Kusanagi26
88. Leet'27
89. Ghost12
90. Weichei12
91. Wanheda12
92. Gaea12
93. Kubwa12
94. GaryOak12
95. ibiza12
96. Solace12
97. Homeless12
98. Dorta13
99. Dionysus13
100. DeBiee14
101. Arcanine14
102. Roko15
103. Bandi18
104. Gadoo01
105. GxSxF01
106. try01
107. CHAOS02
108. Reiko03
109. Lunar03
110. Luffy04
111. cherio05
112. Saitana05
113. Draco07
114. Hanme08
115. Lilian08
116. Mina'08