Zuolo Plains Party PvP
Status: Finished
Event location: Zuolo Plains - Realm 13


Party PvP

Form party with anyone you want and kill all others!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Epic

Participation reward

PvP Token x1
PS needed: 1
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 2
Event Token x6
PS needed: 2
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 4
PvP Token x2
PS needed: 5
PvP Token x3
PS needed: 7
Event Token x3
PS needed: 9
PvP Token x5
PS needed: 9
PvP Token x7
PS needed: 11
PvP Token x9
PS needed: 20

1. Marti13417
2. Sinister7213
3. fortnite5429
4. MageKing5029
5. NexO4622
6. Yoojii4516
7. Jap427
8. Baen4112
9. Nuramon4021
10. Souljazz3626
11. TeRebon'3528
12. Sciera203
13. Heroness1720
14. Ruffy157
15. Schadov157
16. Pixy148
17. Dark!130
18. Katevil133
19. Eldridge126
20. Xerzes111
21. Lufu113
22. Naksun101
23. RoCyBeR104
24. Raskreia91
25. PePe91
26. Lucid94
27. 0425201794
28. Stronger914
29. Raz88
30. Cilai89
31. Leet'820
32. yolo71
33. Hands76
34. Nora60
35. CyBeR63
37. Ketone`64
38. Cath612
39. Leet!617
40. MoonRayy50
41. Owne54
42. Vitto57
43. eRPeGiee57
44. Umaroth57
45. _SIERRA_517
46. ~Moana~40
47. Nazgul41
48. Paulo42
49. Kingsley44
50. Syphax30
51. Freddy30
52. Shaw30
53. Cannyn31
54. Ashley31
55. XxTOKIxX34
56. TD4L!35
57. BRI35
58. Gannicus36
59. Fluppy37
60. Celia312
61. Mirana`316
62. Windly327
63. FataMora25
64. SkyriiN29
65. Penguin29
66. Xim211
67. Nathaly11
68. Appa19
69. Panties19
70. Lianmei114
71. Sentinel01
72. Marcutan02
73. Aline06
74. Serena06
75. Dooby06
76. Lixi07
77. Sokar010
78. Ully010
79. Artax010
80. Beelze010
81. Nangog010
82. AIbedo010
83. Shaya010
84. Elvie011
85. Yueka012
86. Kubwa015
87. GaryOak015
88. Arcanine017
89. RNG_Ming042
90. lolita043
91. Lilian043
92. Hanme043
93. Bandi043