Last Man Standing
Status: Finished
Event location: LMS Map - Realm 11



Kill everyone else and be last one on the battlefield!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Divine
Top 1
Blood of Reborn x5
PvP Token x100

Participation reward

Green Jade x5000
PS needed: 1
Event Token x40
PS needed: 1
Overdynamic Casket VI x10
PS needed: 1
Singularity Coherence VI x10
PS needed: 1
Grand Thaumaturgy VI x10
PS needed: 1
Heaven Charm x5
PS needed: 1
Ultimate Talisman Gem - Armor x1
PS needed: 1
Moon Talisman x500
PS needed: 1
Platina Sigil x2
PS needed: 1

1. Ayzi370
2. Лилин121
3. Ликан71
4. 哆啦a梦51
5. Skywalker31
6. Wenger31
7. Auriel21
8. 21
9. X_D21
10. Lacentrate21
11. КIМА10
12. cock'a10
13. 下雨天11
14. Myli11
15. 01
16. Shad01
17. 零骨女帝01
18. 01
19. XXXzzz01
20. Bone_Idle01
21. Irisma01
22. Corsa01
23. Fabiya01
24. Yvuna01
25. Ornela01
26. RiheKopo01
27. lnsanity01
28. 卢布01
29. 工商银行01
30. 破个防打个架01
31. ι绛霄ν01
32. Lushuria01
33. Raphaеl01
34. Natan01
35. ごめんなさい01
36. 农业银行01
37. Sixty安Nine01
38. 武则天01
39. Hiroshima01
40. 小脑虎会咬人01
41. Adieu01
42. xVenoma01
43. Gillar01
44. 柳若云01
45. 大波妹01
46. 安心01
47. Naresuan01
48. `Satoru01
49. 01
50. NoLimits01
51. Kurogane01
52. 麴骨01
54. xDxD01
55. AzurLane01
56. Miblle`01
57. HyDrax01
58. abadon01
59. Elani01
60. InsаnGod01
61. Yoko01
62. Xiasen01
63. lia01
64. C1oud01
65. ClouD01
66. BuckZ01
67. MiseRy01
68. Осень01
69. BuldozeRR01
70. P4r4d0X01
71. 露西01
72. 梅花三弄01
73. 依旧丶01
74. 小迪01
75. Riccardo01
76. Metastable01
77. 大幅度01
78. fly99901
79. Haarz01
80. funtik01
81. 火灵儿01
82. 天气预报01
83. 创可贴01
84. 火箭加速器01
85. RainB01
86. ─╄ιTankν01
87. PG01
88. Tirlim01