Last Man Standing
Status: Finished
Event location: LMS Map - Realm 11



Kill everyone else and be last one on the battlefield!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Divine
Top 1
Blood of Reborn x5
PvP Token x100

Participation reward

Green Jade x5000
PS needed: 1
Event Token x40
PS needed: 1
Overdynamic Casket VI x10
PS needed: 1
Singularity Coherence VI x10
PS needed: 1
Grand Thaumaturgy VI x10
PS needed: 1
Heaven Charm x5
PS needed: 1
Ultimate Talisman Gem - Armor x1
PS needed: 1
Moon Talisman x500
PS needed: 1
Platina Sigil x2
PS needed: 1

1. Klon351
2. Ayzi141
3. Auriel60
4. Ликан61
5. JediNyte41
6. 麴骨31
7. Kingsbane31
8. X_D31
9. τι菊花ν21
10. Natan21
11. elanore21
12. Wenger11
13. Yvuna01
14. lnsanity01
15. ン醉了刘伶η狂01
16. Shad01
17. КIМА01
18. Corsa01
19. 01
20. Sungod01
21. Edelweiss01
22. Лилин01
23. Craze01
24. Haarz01
25. 游戏结束01
26. 狸狸原上跑01
27. Thε廾εrεtic01
28. cock'a01
29. Sue丶凉音01
30. 愤怒Еnvy01
31. Plumbum01
32. Сluе01
33. Boochita01
34. Sakurato01
35. ごめんなさい01
36. Малафья01
37. Irisma01
38. Anchous01
39. Ygritte01
40. Skywalker01
41. IchiGo_K01
42. AyaMikage01
43. TaiTan01
44. Maliketh01
45. ☆θrγoη☆01
46. feralberry01
47. Zaranda01
48. Tosti01
49. SasukeO01
50. Oboro01
51. abadon01
52. `Satoru01
53. Mileena01
54. AzurLane01
55. 最帅不过朝阳01
56. Elani01
57. rhino01
58. InsаnGod01
59. Yoko01
60. Renpa01
61. C1oud01
62. BuckZ01
63. MiseRy01
64. 夏止北01
65. Kuina01
66. хOMiakaOх01
67. ryoam01
68. P4r4d0X01
69. AssassIN01
70. LEGION01
71. ι睡觉觉zzZ01
72. 残岚VS斗鸡眼01
73. BuldozeRR01
74. Metastable01
75. Мисс@01
76. Artimida01
77. 诺言01
78. EvilGirL01
79. footman01
80. Sasuke'01
81. 妙不可言01