Status: Finished
Event location: Asc. Battlegrounds - Realm Any



Join Ascended Battlegrounds on regular server (no Elysium) and fight in teams!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Legendary

Participation reward

PvP Token x1
PS needed: 1
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 2
Event Token x6
PS needed: 2
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 4
PvP Token x2
PS needed: 5
PvP Token x4
PS needed: 7
PvP Token x6
PS needed: 9
PvP Token x8
PS needed: 15

1. Miracle'2720
2. Mythical2118
3. saolao2017
4. Quesmile1732
5. PePe160
6. Skadii1615
7. Harmony1514
8. SourBun135
9. Agrat103
10. Hands60
12. ZugZug60
13. Sordano61
14. Henta62
15. Elvie66
16. Owne40
17. BeJLb40
18. Sciera33
19. eRPeGiee33
20. JinGE20
21. Paloma20
22. Roko22
23. Plushies22
24. Samora22
25. fredogodof26
26. Siciliya26
27. DarkKiss27
28. Сенька27
29. Mortred14
30. Zelda01
31. mihru02
32. 7Swords08
33. Ownage018
34. Swift020