Status: Finished
Event location: Asc. Battlegrounds - Realm Any



Join Ascended Battlegrounds on regular server (no Elysium) and fight in teams!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Epic

Participation reward

PvP Token x1
PS needed: 1
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 2
Event Token x6
PS needed: 2
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 4
PvP Token x2
PS needed: 5
PvP Token x3
PS needed: 7
Event Token x3
PS needed: 9
PvP Token x5
PS needed: 9
PvP Token x7
PS needed: 11
PvP Token x9
PS needed: 20

1. Shaw310
2. RNG_Ming301
3. Leet!260
4. ☆ThanosD☆254
5. XDeathA225
6. Reira215
7. PirkaPL201
8. Leet'194
9. Kunihiko1810
10. DarkRaiN166
11. SoulSeal168
12. RNG_Mlxg150
13. TD4L!1515
14. Ketone`1516
15. NoMercy143
16. Amaterassu143
17. XxTOKIxX138
18. vVv122
19. IchyDice124
20. ObviusLe1210
21. NexO112
22. Selected101
23. RoCyBeR92
24. Ruffy92
25. CyBeR92
26. Efrideet99
27. CandyMan80
28. Kratosin80
29. Ownage81
30. Weichei82
31. Lixi87
32. Spink88
33. Sciera820
34. Kingsley830
35. KingPat!72
36. Roko72
37. 500ms73
38. Jani78
39. Hands61
40. Puta62
41. 0425201763
42. Zagan63
43. Sordano63
44. BRI64
45. WarThunder65
46. Berial66
47. Owne615
48. IMoonRayI50
49. Ashley54
50. polat55
51. Nikolina55
52. Revolute55
53. Dragons56
54. Schadov56
55. ★Nyx★57
56. HydraBlade57
57. Cath58
58. Shady40
59. Seirah41
60. Virtue42
61. Raz43
62. Buffy43
63. Tomby44
64. Beta44
65. Beelze45
66. Lampe45
67. KinGZoRO46
68. Makato46
69. Aera46
70. Vanderlei47
71. RealPain47
72. FireBoy48
73. Teri49
74. Nazgul49
75. Dorta410
76. PePe410
77. yolo412
78. eRPeGiee32
79. Spark32
80. Eliza32
81. Nabby32
82. Mugs33
83. saolao33
84. Keiju34
85. BloodBunny35
86. JamesX36
87. Air36
88. Genesis39
89. Vitto25
90. Katevil25
91. TeNebR25
92. Panties25
93. I'm12BTW25
94. Kratos26
95. Gyci27
96. Elfenlied27
97. Venus28
98. Eldridge28
99. INDRA215
100. Swift10
101. PlnKa11
102. Rope13
103. Stefanos14
104. lnsomnia15
105. DahIia18
106. DarkK19
107. CzarnyA110
108. Herano112
109. Nvll115
110. Virtues02
111. Hades04
112. Xim05
113. Kisame08
114. Ella's08
115. Nangog08
116. Aquaman09
117. Artax09
118. BlkMamba09
119. SeiRA010
120. Heroness012
121. REEEEEE012
122. MustDie013
123. Bandi015
124. Lilian016
125. Hanme019