Status: Finished
Event location: Asc. Battlegrounds - Realm Any



Join Ascended Battlegrounds on regular server (no Elysium) and fight in teams!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Legendary

Participation reward

PvP Token x1
PS needed: 1
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 2
Event Token x6
PS needed: 2
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 4
PvP Token x2
PS needed: 5
PvP Token x4
PS needed: 7
PvP Token x6
PS needed: 9
PvP Token x8
PS needed: 15

1. RNG_Ming200
2. Kingsley140
3. MoonRayy141
4. Nuramon132
5. SkyriiN1214
6. IchyDice114
7. Siciliya105
8. ObviusLe106
9. Puta98
10. yolo910
11. TD4L!83
12. PlnKa84
13. Khamimat75
14. XxTOKIxX77
15. REEEEEE710
16. Hands711
17. Owne719
18. RNG_Mlxg60
19. Hades61
20. Yoojii63
21. Weichei64
22. IC110165
23. Hae65
24. Vanderlei610
25. Bandi50
26. FireBoy50
27. Selected51
28. Bluezork52
29. Keiju55
30. xenos43
31. RoCyBeR43
32. CyBeR43
33. CandyMan44
34. BRI46
35. Cilai49
36. Eliza49
37. Nangog31
38. Naksun32
39. Beyond32
40. malinka32
41. Sokar32
42. Raz32
43. Beelze32
44. Reira32
45. Sacchan32
46. Beta32
47. SealSoul33
48. Cath33
49. Nikolia33
50. Makato33
51. Shayla33
52. Revolute33
53. Nazgul33
54. AIbedo33
55. Dragons33
56. SoulSeal34
57. Artax34
58. Celia34
59. Yanhis34
60. Tatsuya34
61. Katevil35
62. Lixi35
63. Lary35
64. Kashinta36
65. Jani36
66. Gyci36
67. Sciera38
68. Sprite38
69. Shaya22
70. Ayumi22
71. MuXuS23
72. Eldridge23
73. Materass23
74. Nexita24
75. Sinister26
76. MageKing26
77. Nabby26
78. Conversity10
79. Regend16
80. STFU17
81. eRPeGiee18
82. polat02
83. try010
84. Lilian010
85. Hanme011