Last Man Standing
Status: Finished
Event location: LMS Map - Realm 11



Kill everyone else and be last one on the battlefield!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Divine
Top 1
Blood of Reborn x5
PvP Token x100

Participation reward

Green Jade x5000
PS needed: 1
Event Token x40
PS needed: 1
Overdynamic Casket VI x10
PS needed: 1
Singularity Coherence VI x10
PS needed: 1
Grand Thaumaturgy VI x10
PS needed: 1
Heaven Charm x5
PS needed: 1
Ultimate Talisman Gem - Armor x1
PS needed: 1
Moon Talisman x500
PS needed: 1
Platina Sigil x2
PS needed: 1

1. Litch261
2. ROOT181
3. RAGNA171
4. Аурист91
5. Nosferat71
6. Gotti71
7. IceCube61
8. Xiaofan61
9. Yunko51
10. 咕咕哒。51
11. _SuSu_40
12. 克萨尔考特尔41
13. 身高1米8丶41
14. geisha31
15. Nakajim21
16. Werlex21
17. Mikael21
18. 碎梦丶21
19. GS_Vim11
20. SonGoKu11
21. Sharpie11
22. OIdSpice11
23. Leisi11
24. Wema11
25. Gks11
26. Nikola6611
27. 丶Tiger11
28. Deno11
29. Bang01
30. LlLLllll01
31. LeiIl01
32. Fin01
33. Boza01
34. WeeWaa01
35. Seigrein01
36. MiseRy01
37. CoffeCow01
38. Golum01
39. suliwa01
40. Kookie01
41. Henker01
42. Melfoy01
43. Hyper01
44. DOPE01
45. Kapo01
46. Mickey01
47. xiaobai01
48. biubiubi01
49. BiuBiuBi01
50. NiuB01
51. FriFox01
52. Aithnera01
53. 小矮子嘤嘤嘤01
54. Yumeko`01
55. Frea01
56. Moa01
57. OTL01
58. PoDrina01
59. PowerOff01
60. Guaiguai01
61. LastMiNi01
62. RKUHP01
63. Hy01
64. KILL4FUN01
65. V`geta~01
66. TheRock01
67. Zarks01
68. 小红01
69. GL01
70. Evon01
71. Lum01
72. Suliwa01
73. IIKaiII01
74. Aragaki01
75. Fraga01
76. CoLong01
77. Yun01
78. Ichi01
79. Bellion01
80. Freezing01
81. Taunt01
82. Dugu01
83. Kishi01
84. Sevi01
85. Cadia01
86. detu000101
87. HoaVuong01
88. WhiteFir01
89. Melvyn01
90. ★Fiasko★01
91. 左手宽衣01
92. SpartiaN01
93. Hexie01
94. Guinso01
95. 嚯嚯嚯01
96. Selendis01
97. Ky001
98. Nohms01
99. Laostar01
100. Nayeon01
101. Overhaul01
102. Snowind01
103. Mercedes01
104. Cardinal01
105. Akari01
106. DanielD01
107. YouLove01
108. Acassia01
109. Stich01
110. Oboro01
111. Muhao`01
112. Mongol01
113. ChupaXXL01
114. Laina01
115. Matalas01
116. Letlina01
117. Illumi01
118. 123az01
119. Toxicc01
120. S3PON01
121. ミViolet01
122. Vidarr01
123. Talhek01
124. 天空一号01
125. Steps01
126. Осень01
127. Легатор01
128. КАРЛИТА01
129. Akupanda01
130. 工具人101
131. Arcturus01
132. Rosa01
133. MrTi01
134. Crisley01
135. ι抖M丶01
136. ZenSama01
137. 01