Last Man Standing
Status: Finished
Event location: LMS Map - Realm 12



Kill everyone else and be last one on the battlefield!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Divine
Top 1
Blood of Reborn x5
PvP Token x100

Participation reward

Green Jade x5000
PS needed: 1
Event Token x40
PS needed: 1
Overdynamic Casket VI x10
PS needed: 1
Singularity Coherence VI x10
PS needed: 1
Grand Thaumaturgy VI x10
PS needed: 1
Heaven Charm x5
PS needed: 1
Ultimate Talisman Gem - Armor x1
PS needed: 1
Moon Talisman x500
PS needed: 1
Platina Sigil x2
PS needed: 1

1. Mshadows311
2. Arion261
3. Soup241
4. Nemon151
5. ι丶秋杀ν121
6. aΡpy101
7. SoIace71
8. Moccia61
9. Kieko61
10. Acetone`51
11. GaBy51
12. XXVI51
13. Dismorаl51
14. Karyn40
15. Cielo41
16. Samhain41
17. 穆川ι41
18. Archi4841
19. Schadovs31
20. Catie31
21. ン屿风丶31
22. MaSaN32
23. Helium21
24. Flow!21
25. Mystique21
26. Plushies21
27. Cosmosッ21
28. 马儿21
29. Astrid21
30. Riona21
31. DanielD21
32. saolao11
33. Hanan11
34. Glacier11
35. ★Anarant★11
36. canhun11
37. ☆MaZe☆11
38. Cupy11
39. ROOT11
40. 01
41. Frankie01
42. MoonRayy01
43. Rawpwnzl01
44. Vendetta01
45. Lancelot01
46. TiiEuTa01
47. Boda01
48. Zelda01
49. LEILA01
50. YaoMin01
51. TK01
52. Bertha01
53. sitha01
54. Doctor01
55. Meyer01
56. FabuIous01
57. Dexter01
58. Markian01
59. Raskreia01
60. HolyMoly01
61. Possy01
62. HeadSh⊙T01
63. Meia01
64. c01
65. Superd01
66. ApplePie01
67. RoCyBeR01
68. MakeItRain01
69. yolo01
70. ACE01
71. Katevil01
72. ★Anarant01
73. NoMercy01
74. Kingsley01
76. Aurelie01
77. Celia01
78. dionysus01
79. Kanabis01
80. Rebel01
81. Terry01
82. ~May01
83. eRPeGiee01
84. Amira01
85. ZyaiR01
86. _Schadov01
87. Schadov01
88. Ichy死01
89. PhysX01
90. Adreana01
91. Owne01
92. Smexy01
93. Sinis01
94. XinZhao々01
95. Culo01
96. Ori01
97. Teri01
98. Andariel01
99. Cay01
100. Labira01
101. Nazgul01
102. Shiesty01
103. CyBeR01
104. Payong01
105. 小闲闲01
106. Jap01
107. Bellugio01
108. ireT01
109. LuuHuong01
110. Wololoo01
111. Dragonite01
112. Naida01
113. WorstVim01
114. Kubwa01
115. GaryOak01
116. StepBro01
117. OlongTea01
118. Nosferat01
119. styx01
120. Shadway01
121. Chizuru01
122. Niko丶01
123. JinBoBo01
124. DingDang01
125. Tuldok01
126. JlN01
127. Mizuhara01
128. Nightshade01
129. Tuyet01
130. BieBie01
131. GioVanna01
132. Odin!01
133. Chiara01
134. Panic01
135. 洵荑01
136. Sharpie01
137. 莫愁01
138. Seiram01
139. babypirka01
140. оBRIKAо01
141. Hexia01
142. PizZa01
143. ZelZin01
144. NoOne01
145. Doremon01
146. RevoIute01
147. 一起摇摇01
148. Panika01
149. Chatni01
150. Flauros01
151. Morffei01
152. Zimka01
153. Alyn01
154. Monarch01
155. Goodzon01
156. Yuko01
157. CutEvil01
158. iamno501
159. Cinder01
160. JerIin01
161. TiEn01
162. Murda01
163. July01
164. barzul01
165. `Crown神`01
166. Sekiro01
167. I01
168. Yeri01
169. RdWork01
170. Melvyn01
171. Demeter01
172. venus01
173. Mrbin01
174. Stars01
175. Gaoshouッ01
176. ☆Azumi☆01
177. WinnyPy01
178. Alvar01
179. Arol01
180. AllLuck01
181. Nancyι01
182. 01
183. Hinomaru01
184. Mea01
185. ζ陌言ι01
186. Daelyn01
187. Фрея01
188. Leti01
189. YouLove01
190. ★Lu01
191. Indy01
192. SillyBee01
193. Gasoline01
194. Matalas01
195. Booster01
196. ☆Z☆01
197. Ares`01
198. Gaia01
199. Rosa01
200. nocturne01