Last Man Standing
Status: Finished
Event location: LMS Map - Realm 11



Kill everyone else and be last one on the battlefield!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Divine
Top 1
Blood of Reborn x5
PvP Token x100

Participation reward

Green Jade x5000
PS needed: 1
Event Token x40
PS needed: 1
Overdynamic Casket VI x10
PS needed: 1
Singularity Coherence VI x10
PS needed: 1
Grand Thaumaturgy VI x10
PS needed: 1
Heaven Charm x5
PS needed: 1
Ultimate Talisman Gem - Armor x1
PS needed: 1
Moon Talisman x500
PS needed: 1
Platina Sigil x2
PS needed: 1

1. Sarcаsm421
2. Kin171
3. ViruS130
4. Kesha101
5. Vana41
7. Ethereal41
8. RINOA41
9. Beerus41
10. SSWN31
11. AndreiHit21
12. DOPE21
13. Mayoiga21
14. anubis21
15. Angry21
16. Chrollo21
17. Iriss21
18. Клэр10
19. Xerxes11
20. Evorax11
21. Dekos11
22. φ11
23. Tosti11
24. DAVIES11
25. virga11
26. 11
27. Worthy11
28. Almost11
29. ν阿尔托莉雅ι11
30. SAS01
31. Aquaman01
32. NotZelda01
33. Puta01
34. Xia40401
35. Frenzy01
36. BigDaddy01
37. 苍龙啸01
38. Marin01
39. Abdo01
40. Author01
41. TopGun01
42. TengenUzui01
43. NoEyeDeer01
44. RKUHP01
45. KILL4FUN01
46. Lαδγ`δεε01
47. 小红01
48. GL01
49. ゼみOゼみ01
50. Lum01
51. Aragaki01
52. Cafesita01
53. Brook01
54. 上帝01
55. 01
56. HoaVuong01
57. Puncher01
58. SpartiaN01
59. LaoPham01
60. Shuri01
61. 身高1米8丶01
62. CENTR01
63. 咕咕哒。01
64. Giianna01
65. Тык01
66. Oboro01
67. RAGNA01
68. Mango`01
69. Muhao`01
70. Seolina01
71. Illumi01
72. ι执伞青衣袖ν01
73. ι扶笔画浮沉ν01
74. Sade01
75. Malevan01
76. Gdn01
77. Candy、01
78. sabana01
79. Aminadil01
80. Genovese01
81. `Gavin01
82. Zaranda01
83. Alexix01
84. GuardiaBin01
85. Omg01
86. 一D事都矛01
87. ン九幽丶01
88. τ丶健力宝ν01
89. Anthony01
90. Angelι梦ν01
91. Over900001
92. Amoersn01
93. karengern01
94. 执笔~画江湖01
95. Getting01
96. 周一仙01
97. SkyIar01
98. ∝媚♀01
99. 穆大叔01
100. 龙渊01
101. 妙不可言01
102. Fifа01
103. CantMiss01
104. 01
105. spicycake01
106. 01
107. Amoron丶01
108. Арес01
109. ン清欢丶01
110. Linford01
111. 小船全靠浪01
112. WALKERf01
113. 指捻01
114. 爱别离01
115. 痴情苦01
116. 小小的画影丶01
117. Мисс@01
118. 指尖流沙01
119. Morti01
120. zionmaker01
121. 炽焰01
122. ★Candy★01
123. Ganymede01
124. Savanna01
125. xNova01
126. iЦыбуля01
127. MaryLinton01
128. °沙尘丶01
129. Gunnr01
130. ☆Candy☆01
131. bebe01
132. Htytj01
133. LittleOne01