Party PvP
Status: Finished
Event location: Zuolo Plains - Realm Any


Party PvP

Form party with anyone you want and kill all others!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Unique

Participation reward

PvP Token x1
PS needed: 1
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 2
Event Token x3
PS needed: 2
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x2
PS needed: 4
PvP Token x3
PS needed: 5
PvP Token x5
PS needed: 8
PvP Token x7
PS needed: 12

1. escapism342
2. Acetone`240
3. Dσn148
4. Sarcаsm110
5. cheyma111
6. Kin113
7. EpicPig1110
8. Soup100
9. Sgathaich1014
10. RobDiez93
11. P_atay95
12. Freezing96
13. 周一仙96
14. Radical83
15. NoMercy83
16. 恭喜这么B814
17. MuryokuP70
18. Wеndigo73
19. Gdn76
20. Bi62
21. Sewarnaa62
22. Sarcasm64
23. CantMiss64
24. Altemuller66
25. Фрея50
26. Clarett51
27. Nudity死52
28. PipiCat54
29. Oriツ54
30. Gabriel40
31. Naina42
32. Бодя42
33. Madarа42
34. 炽焰43
35. PetaI44
36. ν阿尔托莉雅ι44
37. _Name_44
38. 我永远这样45
39. be47
40. LuBu矛30
41. MitCha31
42. Goodzon32
43. Cyruz33
44. GGKO35
45. Ethereal38
46. MatChu38
47. PoppinS39
48. MaSaN317
49. NoEyeDeer20
50. 挥剑断情24
51. Xerxes24
52. ─╄★ove邪皇26
53. <Nume>10
54. Ichy死10
55. candycrush10
56. Catie11
57. Raika13
58. 嬴政13
59. 婵儿不善舞16
60. 5COIN18
61. mh'110
62. yolo01
63. ν吾辈楷模01
64. XinZhao々01
65. Kingsley01
66. Chizuru01
67. 小船全靠浪01
68. AAAAs01
69. Zak01
70. Daelyn01
71. MaRcUs01
72. ン小米丶01
73. DevilI3OY01
74. 小小的画影丶02
75. ν统战02
76. Puta02
77. 苍龙啸02
78. Over900002
79. idkman02
80. alo03
81. ㄒㄖ尺ㄖ03
82. ン云丨影灬03
83. 清歌03
84. 浅唱丶低呤04
85. 一只大木瓜04
86. ι丶云生画影04
87. Adarа04
88. 初言04
89. Htytj05
90. Vladik06
91. Biba07
92. virga09
93. 诸葛钢铁010
94. 尼禄016